Екатерина Ситникова Подготовка к IELTS

Курс мне помогли подобрать в Windsor с учетом моего уровня и целей, и в итоге он полностью соответствовал и тому, и другому. Intensive для людей с уже высоким уровнем языка, поэтому программа нацелена на понимание...

Людмила Общий английский по методике "Развяжи Язык"

Программу курса и преподавателя оцениваю на отлично. В результате занятий мой уровень знаний английского языка повысился. Буду рекомендовать Windsor своим знакомым!

Елена Бычкова Английский для детей 3-5 лет

Все мои знакомые отдали своих детей изучать язык с 3 лет. Сейчас, спустя несколько лет, они хорошо говорят на английском языке, ничем не хуже, чем на русском. Поэтому год назад, руководствуясь их опытом, решила отдать...

Legal English + ILEC

Modern legal practice is inconceivable without international partners and foreign experience. Certainly, knowledge of legal English – is the key to success for any expert in this field. Lawyers of all countries and continents use this universal language for conducting processes, decision-making updating their professional credentials.

Our educational center is glad to offer you Legal English course.

It is important to note that this course is designed for students with a background in legal education and experience in this sphere who are familiar with the basics and realities of law. In the last 8 years many of the representatives of leading Russian and international companies have been students on this course. But why should you choose our course: "International legal English"?

  • Teachers of a course – the qualified specialists native speakers having legal education and experience in this field of activity. 
  • Authentic materials: as well as the coursebook, you will be exposed to authentic case materials and other real language use from the legal sphere.
  • Convenient schedule of lessons: you can choose two types of groups: weekdays in the evening 2 times a week or weekend courses. 
  • Each program component can also be taken as preparation for the ILEC examination in international legal English.

The following components make up this course:

  • organizational forms of business 
  • civil claim
  • systems of Civil and General law 
  • foundation of companies 
  • the law about the competition
  • contract theory 
  • corporate management
  • international legal system
  • debtors / Creditors
  • applying for work 
  • international trade 
  • intellectual property 
  • integration and absorption 
  • monetary documentation
  • property
  • the rights of buyers and seller
  • providing of mortgages

Courses of legal English at Windsor school is a unique opportunity to expand your lexicon in legal English, and develop your legal skills in a native-speaking environment.

After this course you could easily take the International Legal English Certificate exam. This certificate will help you to state your professional skills in this area while aiming for promotion or when applying for a new job. This is an international exam, so the certificate will be recognized globally.

Minimum level of command of the language: High Intermediate
Course duration: 60 classes.
Intensity of lessons: 2 times a week on weekdays on 3 academician of hour / once a week on days off on 4 academician of hour. (THIS DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE !!! – Dan.)

The Windsor school regularly holds seminars for lawyers 

Probably also training on Skype. In more detail->>

It is possible to learn the schedule and to register in group by phones (495) 221-08-32, (495) 790-72-31, (499) 769-50-71