Анна Подготовка к IELTS

Я планирую в дальнейшем получать второе высшее образование за рубежом. Занималась в школе Windsor на курсе IELTS Intensive с Джейсоном. Очень довольна! Курс полностью оправдал мои требования и ожидания. В работе...

Антон Юркин Подготовка к IELTS

Знания, полученные в Windsor, стоили каждого вложенного усилия. В результате я сдал IELTS на 8 баллов (нужен был 7.5). Программу курса оцениваю чрезвычайно высоко. Блэйк - блестящий преподаватель. Спасибо ему!

Елена Бычкова Английский для детей 3-5 лет

Все мои знакомые отдали своих детей изучать язык с 3 лет. Сейчас, спустя несколько лет, они хорошо говорят на английском языке, ничем не хуже, чем на русском. Поэтому год назад, руководствуясь их опытом, решила отдать...

English for Marketing

Specialized professional English language course in marketing.

Modern society is impossible without marketing in all its aspects. It's not just a discipline for study, it is also a system of relations between consumers and organizations. In every aspect of modern life you can find the influence of marketing.

Nowadays, in the age of the development of international relations, marketing in our country is increasingly starting to resemble that of foreign countries: foreign partners, scientific achievements and developments, the establishment of branches and subsidiaries of multinationals and access to global markets for domestic products – all of these are changing the face of marketing here. Such joint activities require a common language, and in this case English is essential. It is a guide to the new international world of modern marketing.

If you speak English fluently, and comfortably switch from general day to day conversational English to the specialized vocabulary and language forms for more complex tasks and analysis, you are ready to reap the rewards at a professional and international level.

Our education center offers the specialized course "English for marketing", for people with talent and abilities in this area. It is aimed at students and graduates with a degree in marketing, as well as professionals already working in this field.

During the course you will acquire:

  • Confidence in the use of grammatical structures and lexical units of the language.
  • Enriched vocabulary, which includes general and specialized marketing terms. 
  • Negotiation skills, the ability to make presentations in English and conduct round table discussions on various topics . 
  • Receive additional training abroad and in Russia in English.

You should also remember that you will be taught by a qualified native speaker teacher. In addition to an international qualification in Teaching English as a foreign language, your teacher will have additional education and experience in the field of marketing, which will enable him to give you all the necessary knowledge and skills.

Key components of the program:

The role of marketing. 
- Describing your skills and qualifications 
- Talking about an organization.

Marketing plan 1: audit and objectives. 
- Outlining a marketing plan 
- Types of analyses: PESTEL, SWOT and Five Forces.

Marketing plan 2: strategy and tactics. 
- Marketing strategy 
- Discussing the marketing mix 
- Marketing budget and executive summary.

International customer communications. 
- Respecting differences in cultural attitudes and behaviours 
- Summarising a meeting 
- Describing a target market segment, message for a new market 
- Giving feedback on concepts.

Market research. 
- Explaining research needs 
- Formulating and explaining a market research plan 
- Moderating a focus group 
- Survey data.

New product development and branding. 
- Descussing possibilities in idea generation meeting 
- Creating a brand 
- Brand identity.

Product launch and promotion. 
- Marketing message 
- Communicating effectively to internal stakeholders 
- Planning and writing a press-release.

Digital marketing. 
- Talking about your results 
- Making your point and discussing digital marketing objectives and tools 
- Writing good web copy.

Agencies and supplies. 
- Responding to a request for information from a potential client 
- Selection criteria.

Exhibitions and events. 
- Booking a stand at an event 
- Dealing with a visitor to the stand 
- Networking at a social event 
- Writing a follow-up email.

In addition to the main textbook, our teacher uses authentic materials, video and audio recordings, presentations. You will also have an oppurtunity to offer your own topic for discussion during the lesson.

The level of language proficiency required for this program: Upper-Intermediate.

We also offer a convenient schedule for you: 2 times a week in the evening, and a mini group of up to 6 people , which will also allow the teacher to devote more time to each student.

Teacher: native speaker.
Duration of the course: 36 academic hours (2 months)
The intensity of training; 2 times a week ( Tuesday, Thursday ) for 2 hrs
Cost of the course: 18,720 rub.
Number of participants: 3-6