Екатерина Ситникова Подготовка к IELTS

Курс мне помогли подобрать в Windsor с учетом моего уровня и целей, и в итоге он полностью соответствовал и тому, и другому. Intensive для людей с уже высоким уровнем языка, поэтому программа нацелена на понимание...

Никита Общий английский по методике "Развяжи Язык"

Занимался в группе Intermediate у Madeline, занятиями остался очень доволен. В результате этого курса мне удалось улучшить свои языковые навыки. Madeline - отличный преподаватель, материал преподносит очень доступно и...

Татьяна Пахоль Английский для детей 6-9 лет

До начала обучения в Windsor у ребят был страх говорить на английском, мешал языковой барьер. А уже после первого урока Максим сказал: "Это был самый крутой урок английского в моей жизни, английский теперь - мой друг"....

English for Media

Specialized professional English language course in the media.

It's hard to imagine modern life without media. Everyday we listen to the radio, watch the international news channels and plunge into the world of advertising and marketing. But you can easily get lost in this field without knowledge of the English language, a universal means of communication among representatives of this profession. It is your passport to a successful life. Whether you want to receive further education abroad, to get a promotion or an international job, all of this is impossible without English as a significant component of your skills and qualifications.

A young professional with a degree in marketing, PR, IT- technology or media, who is also fluent in English is a very attractive proposition for major employers. A lack of proper long-term experience can be easily compensated for with an international certificate in English, confirming your high level of language proficiency.

If apart from the basic knowledge of the language, you can confidently use specific lexical units in your speech, you career success is undoubtedly guaranteed. For this purpose, our educational center has developed a specialized course for graduates with a degree in the above-mentioned specialities.

The main advantage of this course is that the system that it is based on differs from that of the usual English language courses. It is focused on specialized topics, enrichment of students' vocabulary, reading and listening to authentic texts, preparations of presentations and public speaking, writing articles. As you can see, the studying process in our educational center will not only be informative in terms of language, but also very exciting.

Another advantage of the course is an opportunity to be taught by a qualified teacher, a native speaker, with an additional degree in media studies. So you will be able to enjoy not only the study of the living language but also working with a professional.

Main components of the program:

- Writing headlines 
- Analyzing newspaper articles 
- Practising and writing newspaper article 

- Language of radio presenters 
- The production process 
- Planning a news list 
- Giving feedback Magazines. 
- Composing magazine covers 
- Planning magazine contents 
- Instructing the photoshoot 
- Writing a true-life story 

- Understanding the pre-production process 
- Organizing a filming schedule 
- Filming on location 
- Editing a TV documentary 

- Writing a screenplay 
- Pitching successfully 
- Organizing a shoot 
- Writing a film review 

New media page. 
- Briefing a website designer 
- Planning and writing a blog 
- Creating a podcast 

- Selling your services to potential clients 
- Creating a print advert 
- Presenting a finished advert 

- Analyzing market trends and taking action 
- Setting up a marketing communication strategy 
- Evaluating the success of a relaunch. 

Level of language proficiency required for this program: Intermediate.
Teacher: native speaker.
Duration of the course: 36 academic hours (2 months)
Intensity of training: once a week (Saturday or Sunday) 4 academic hours
Cost of the course: 18720 rub.
Number of participants: 3-6