Александр Волынчиков Подготовка к IELTS

Хотел бы поблагодарить всех сотрудников и преподавателей школы английского языка Windsor с замечательной учебной, но в тоже время домашней атмосферой, царящей на занятиях! Я проходил обучение по курсу подготовки к IELTS...

Екатерина Ситникова Подготовка к IELTS

Курс мне помогли подобрать в Windsor с учетом моего уровня и целей, и в итоге он полностью соответствовал и тому, и другому. Intensive для людей с уже высоким уровнем языка, поэтому программа нацелена на понимание...

Татьяна Пахоль Английский для детей 6-9 лет

До начала обучения в Windsor у ребят был страх говорить на английском, мешал языковой барьер. А уже после первого урока Максим сказал: "Это был самый крутой урок английского в моей жизни, английский теперь - мой друг"....

Living and working in Moscow

Living and working in Moscow

"Before I came to Moscow I really didn't know what to expect. I assumed it would be permanently cold, possibly dangerous and not particulary friendly. Oh how wrong I was!

I've been here now for 2 years and it's been the most enjoyable place I've taught in by a long way. OK, it can get very cold in the winter, but there is a certain romance in living in such an environment, and the sub zero temperatures are more than made up for by the warm summers, when it seems to never get dark. Another great thing about living in Moscow is the people. The majority of Russians I've met have been extremely friendly and welcoming, and the students are eager to learn and fun to teach.

The work is busy, but rewarding, with no day (or even lesson) the same and the staff here at Windsor will are always on hand to offer and support or advice with lesson planning etc. Also the administrative staff bend over backwards to make sure that teachers needs are catered for.

Moscow itself is a truly great city. Like the weather, it can be a city of extremes, with examples of the very rich and the very poor to be found throughout, but this is, in my opinion, one of the many things that make it such a fascinating place to live and work in."

Marcus Campbell

"I visited Moscow in 2003 as a student and knew something of what to expect. And for the most part things haven't much changed. The tower blocks are still ugly. The people still didn't smile at me (though the nice lady in the market was very patient when I tried to buy fruit) and it is still chaotic, though the Japanese restaurants were a surprise."

"My parents were worried I would be abducted by the mafia. My friends were worried I would freeze to death. Everyone was worried I would destroy my liver through drinking too much vodka.
Well autumn in Moscow is warmer than I expected (though I have no doubt that will change VERY soon!), I haven't experienced any crime so far (fingers crossed I won't) and I didn't like vodka in Britain and I still don't."

"Getting round in a foreign city is hard when you don't speak the language though I am beginning to recognise a few words. I think though the level of English has improved since the last time I was here. Then, on seeing I didn't speak Russian, people would try to speak v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y and c-l-e-a-r-l-y to try and help me. They would be bemused when I still didn't understand. Still all credit to them for trying."

"Moscow traffic is a thing of terror. While my experiences in southern Europe have taught me the useful lesson that it you must show no fear when crossing the road, still it is unnerving when lots of cars decide to ignore the traffic signal at the same time."

From a diary of Louise Oliver

"Moscow – what can I say? The cliches are pretty well-worn; vodka, fur hats, freezing cold winters, gangsters, billionaires, expensive accommodation etc, etc.

To be honest, living here is in many ways pretty much like living in any large European city, which may be a surprise in itself depending on your preconceptions.

The public transport system is fine - the Metro system in particular is really impressive with its Soviet mosaics and sculptures and it works! It is a nightmare during the rush hour, however, and you need to be patient with people who want to shove you out of the way.

Taxis are “interesting” hail down any car on the street and negotiate fine if you speak Russian, tricky if you don`t (and possibly a bit dangerous). Be careful!

Shops, bars and restaurants are generally OK and open much later than in the UK (not difficult, I know). Consequently, Moscow has a reputation for CRAZY night life a bit over-hyped if you ask me. This is a developing economy and what passes as trendy here might seem a little tacky to you.

Most Muscovites seem to prefer drinking a bottle of beer in the street to visiting a bar and there is a real lack of nice local sit-down places you have to go downtown and pay downtown prices for a night out. That`s alright, though, once you get to know a few places which suit your taste and your budget.

You might have heard that Russian food is not too good that`s a bit of a misconception but again, you need to find places that suit you. Some smaller restaurants do really tasty local food as long as you are not a vegetarian and don`t mind a fair amount of dill.

The weather can be really freezing but you don`t need to worry too much because buildings are well heated and winter boots, coats etc widely available and cheap.

By the way, electricity in my apartment has been reasonably reliable, hot water less so be prepared for some irregularities in basic amenities at times.

Other good things CD/DVD/MP3 discs and players are all very cheap and easy to find the music selection is OK, film selection not so good. You also need to be a bit blase about intellectual copyright.

Culture and history Moscow`s strong point. This is the real reason you would want to be here. The city has a lot of great places to visit galleries, theatres, museums, churches, monasteries, Red Square, the Kremlin etc etc. Smaller towns around Moscow are also worth a trip check out Vladimir and Suzdal, for example.

The guide books are good on Moscow history and culture but very weak on bars, restaurants etc you need to check out the local press for ideas of where to go in the evenings (see the link below). The best guide book? Probably the Rough Guide; the Lonely Planet isn`t far behind though.

Saint Petersburg is also within striking distance by train and is a great place to spend a few days.

All in all, Moscow is fine as long as you don`t expect too much a regular city with all the advantages and disadvantages that the description implies.

For up-to-date information, go to www.worldwidewired.com and check out the Russian press - Moscow Times will tell you the local news, while Exile will tell you what the expats are up to, warts and all. "

Steve Wheatley