Анна Подготовка к IELTS

После записи на курсы, я поинтересовалась, кто из преподавателей самый строгий и дает много "на дом". Мне посоветовали записаться в группу к Дереку. Однако, как оказалось, Дерек больше, чем просто строгий учитель, он...

Наталия Набойщикова Подготовка к IELTS

Я очень рада, что нашла школу Windsor! Я смогла получить всё, что хотела и даже больше. Программа была отличная и очень информативная! Преподаватель дал очень много полезной информации, которая касалась не только...

Елена Бычкова Английский для детей 3-5 лет

Все мои знакомые отдали своих детей изучать язык с 3 лет. Сейчас, спустя несколько лет, они хорошо говорят на английском языке, ничем не хуже, чем на русском. Поэтому год назад, руководствуясь их опытом, решила отдать...


1. What is the difference between General and Academic module?
Most parts of the exam are the same, although the first part of the writing is different (with general you usually have to write a letter) and the reading is slightly more complex for the academic.

2. Is the IELTS test completed in one day?
The listening, reading and writing are always in one day, however due to time constraints some students may find that their speaking test is on a different day.

3. Is the level of IELTS closer to upper-intermediate or to advanced level?
There is no 'level' as such for IELTS. Everyone takes the same exam, regardless og their ability. A score 6.5 usually corresponds to an approximate level of upper-intermediate.

4. Is IELTS more difficult than TOEFL?
No, they are about the same. Some students may find one of the exams easier than the other, but this is really due to personal preference.

5. Is IELTS more difficult than CAE?
No. CAE is generally considered more challenging than IELTS, although the CAE qualification is valid for a lifetime.

6. Is IELTS difficult? Do I need a preparation course?
There is no pass or fail for IELTS, so it really depends on the level that the candidate requires. As with anything, it is always possible to study alone, but in my experience any student who wishes to get a good score should definitely consider a preparation course with an experienced teacher.

7. How does the exam end? Is there ring or something?
There is usually a display with clock which counts down throughout the test. In addition, the invigilator will announce time checks at regular intervals, telling you that you have "20 minutes left" for example.

8. What is the best score for immigration?
This is something you need to check with the relevant embassy, although many countries now operate on a 'point system', which means that the higher the score the better.

9. Does 15-year old child have a chance to get about 7-8 at this exam?

10. Do you know anyone who got 9 points?
It is very difficult to achieve a level 9, although not impossible. I have awarded about 4 or 5 grade 9s for speaking over the last few years, and a couple for writing.

11.What kind of accents can be heard in the Listening test?
You should expect to hear a variety of accents in the listening, for example American, Australian, Scottish and so on.

12. Can I make notes on the Listening question papers?
Yes, of course. Remember that anything you write on the question paper, however, will not be marked, so make sure you put your final answers on the sheet provided.

13. What should I do if I cannot hear the audio clearly?
The start of the audio will be played twice, to ensure that candidates can hear the recording. You should inform the examiner at this point if you cannot hear it.

14. Would it be a mistake if I wrote down more words than I was asked?
Yes. Make sure you do not exceed the word limit.

15. Why does the listening section last only 30 minutes. Although, it's 4 sections including 40 questions. Means, it would be hard to find time to look at the questions, and recognize the answers and write them down?
Time is obviously an important fact here. My advice is only focus on the section you are about to hear, and don't worry too much about questions you have missed.


1.  40 question for just one text?
There's a total of 40 questions for the whole reading.

2. When we need to gap with three words for example are articles and prepositions counted?
Yes, articles and prepositions are always included.

3. So, you don't have to read the whole texts?
You don't have ro read the whole text in order to answer the questions. In fact, as time is an important fact in the exam, you should practice.

4. There're IELTS vocabulary books, are those worth looking into?
Yes, there're several good vocab books, published by Cambridge and other publishers.

5. The texts can be on any topic?
Yes, although remember the general reading paper tend to be more varied, you may encounter adverts, magazine articles, or anything of an everyday nature.

6. There are often questions to most of the paragraphs of the text. Should we just skim all the paragraphs except the first one?
First of all you should skim the first sentence of each paragraph, but then you will have to read in more detail.

7. Is there any chance that I might get the texts from the preparation books?
No, this will never happen.

8. What would be better to skim text quickly/passage first or to read first set of questions?
I always recomend that student's skim the first paragraph just to get a general idea of the topic of the text, and then go to the questions. it's bad idea to read the text too much before looking at the questions.

9. If I don't know the translation of the word which is expected to be the answer how can I come up with the right answer? To guess?
Decide first if you actually need to know the meaning of the word, then you should decide what sort of word it is (a noun? a verb?), then try to work out the meaning from context. If all else fails, than yes, guess!

10. How many time is a good decision to spend for prepararing?
This depends on your required score as well as your current level.

11. What about an extra sheet?
You shouldn't require additional answer sheets for the reading, although the invigilate can always give you extra paper if you want.

12. What would you recommend to prepare for Reading? Newspapers, books, watching movies? What about the Economist?
All reading is good practice for the exam, and yes, the Economist is a good example.


1. Would it be a mistake if I hadn't put a comma in sentence?
Punctuation is important, although it only forms a small part of the marking scheme. Minor errors with punctuation should not dramatically affect your grade.

2. Is there any decided numbers of paragraphs which we have to follow for writing task 1 or task 2?
As a general guide, for task 1, write 3 or 4 paragraphs, and for task 2, about 4 or 5 paragraphs.

3. Is it true that introduction and conclusion are always in simple present tense?
Not at all. Examiners look for a rage of tenses throughout the writing.

4. In the Writing Task rules, it is stated that we shouldn't spend more than 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2. Is that obligatory or can we decide for ourselves?
This is advice, but you may find that you finish one task in a shorter period.

5. Is there any maximum word length for Task 1 and Task 2? What if my letter writing and essay lengths exceeds 150 words and 250 words respectively?
There's no "maximum length" but do remember, that the more you write, the more mistakes you are likely to make, and you do not get more marks for exceeded limit.

6. Should I avoid informal language and slang?
Yes, generally, unless you have to write an informal letter to a friend, as you may be required to do in Part 1 General module.


1. What about joke in answer?
There's nothing wrong with this, though remember, it is your language that is being tested, not your sence of humour!

2. Is slang okay?
If it is natural sounding language, it's ok.

3. Will you answer to only one examiner?

4. In part 3 you can't say your opinion, right?
No, you can say your opinion, but remember that part 3 requires you to talk about the subject in general.

5. Will they lower your grade if speak for less than 2 min in Part 2?
They may do, yes.

6. In which case do you listen to the recording of the interview?
When examiners are monitored, or if the candidate wants to appeal.

7. When are the speaking tests held?
You may have your speaking test on the same day as your exam, or it may be a day later or earlier.