Анна Подготовка к IELTS

Мне нужен сертификат IELTS для учебы в Лондоне. Я занималась на курсе подготовки к IELTS в школе Windsor с Джейсоном и очень довольна своим выбором. Понравилось, что он делает уроки не однообразными, занятия эффективные...

Павел Коваль Общий английский по методике "Развяжи Язык"

Данная школа достойное место для обучения языку. В целом все понравилось, однако мне кажется, что на данном курсе дополнительно нужен русскоговорящий преподаватель, т.к. некоторые моменты очень тяжело осваивать на...

Татьяна Пахоль Английский для детей 6-9 лет

До начала обучения в Windsor у ребят был страх говорить на английском, мешал языковой барьер. А уже после первого урока Максим сказал: "Это был самый крутой урок английского в моей жизни, английский теперь - мой друг"....

Летние рецепты по-английски!

Погода этим летом очень неоднозначная. Мы то изнываем от жары (и хочется прохладного лимонада или чего-нибудь фруктового…), то за окном вдруг зарядит дождь и приходится оставаться дома, не зная, чем себя занять. Чтобы ваши планы не срывались из-за дождя – предлагаем несколько летних рецептов, которые помогут скоротать время. А если погода хорошая – они тем более пригодятся вам, и можно организовать отличный пикник!



✓ 300g raspberry, plus a few extra to serve

✓ 225g blackberry, plus a few extra to serve

✓ 100g redcurrant, plus a few extra to serve

✓ 400g strawberry, hulled and quartered

✓ 140g golden caster sugar, plus a bit extra (optional)

✓ 400g brioche loaf

✓ clotted cream, to serve (optional)

1. Wash the fruit and place it all (except the strawberries) in a large pan with the caster sugar and 3 tbsp water. Gently heat for 3 mins until the juice from the fruit starts to seep out. Add the strawberries and cook for 2 mins more. Drain the juice from the fruit through a sieve set over a large bowl. Taste the juice and add a little more sugar if necessary.

2. Line a 1.2-litre pudding basin with a double layer of cling film, leaving an overlap around the top. Remove the crusts from the brioche and slice the loaf into 1cm-thick slices along the length of the loaf. Cut 1 slice in half widthways and trim the corners to fit into the base of the bowl – you may need to use both squares, trimmed to fit.

3. Trim the slices to the correct length to line the sides of the bowl. To assemble the pudding, dip the slices of brioche into the fruit juice, then use them to line the basin. Start with the bottom pieces, then lay soaked rectangles of brioche along the sides of the bowl. If you have any gaps left at the end, patch these up with any remaining brioche, but make sure you save some for the base.

4. Tip the fruit into the lined basin. Finish the pudding with a layer of brioche to make a base, then pour over any remaining liquid. Wrap the overhanging cling film over the top.

5. Place a small plate, which will fit snugly on top of the basin, over the cling film and weigh down with 2 x 400g cans of tomatoes or beans. Leave the pudding weighed down in the fridge for at least a couple of hours, or overnight if possible.

6. To serve, unwrap the cling film and place a serving plate over the pudding. Flip it over, remove the basin and carefully peel away the cling film. Serve in slices with clotted cream, if you like.


For the crust

✓ 250g light digestive biscuit

✓ 100g cornflake

✓ 85g butter, melted

✓ 140g caster sugar

For the filling

✓ 1 large egg, plus 4 large egg yolks

✓ 397g can light condensed milk

✓ zest and juice 3 lemons

✓ zest and juice 2 oranges

For the topping

✓ 150ml pot extra-thick double cream

✓ 100g 0% fat Greek yogurt

✓ 4 tbsp icing sugar

✓ more lemon and orange

✓ zest, to decorate

1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Sit a fluted 20cm round loose-bottomed tin (about 5cm deep, or a slightly shallower 22cm tin) on a baking sheet. Break the biscuits into a big bowl, or double-bag them in food bags, and bash to big crumbs with the end of a rolling pin or small saucepan. Add the cornflakes and bash a bit more to crumbs. Mix with the melted butter and sugar and press into the base and sides of the tin. Bake for 15 mins, then remove and reduce oven temperature to 160C/140C fan/gas 3

2. Whisk egg and yolks in a big bowl until pale and frothy. Whisk in the condensed milk, followed by the zests and juices. Pour in the tin and bake for 20 mins. Cool in the tin, then chill for at least 5 hrs, or overnight.

3. Whip the cream, yogurt and icing sugar together. Dollop on the pie and scatter with zest to serve.



✓ 50g butter, softened

✓ bunch fresh thyme or lemon thyme, leaves picked, stalks reserved, plus extra to serve

✓ 4 garlic cloves, 1 mashed, the other 3 left whole but squashed

✓ 2 lemons, halved

✓ 1 chicken, about 1½ kg

✓ 2 carrots, roughly chopped

✓ 1 onion, roughly chopped

✓ 2 bay leaves

✓ 1 tbsp plain flour

✓ 250ml chicken stock

✓ splash soy sauce (optional)

1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. In a small bowl, mash the butter with one-third of the thyme leaves, the mashed garlic and the juice of half a lemon. Mix everything together with some seasoning and set aside.

2. Use your hand to loosen the chicken skin away from the breast, then push most of the butter mix into the gap. Rub the rest of the butter all over the outside of the chicken, then stuff the cavity with the lemon halves, remaining thyme leaves and stalks, and the garlic.

3. Scatter the chopped carrot, onion and bay leaves over the base of a small roasting tin. Sit the chicken on top, breast-side up, and roast on the middle shelf for 1 hr 30 mins, basting with the buttery juices after about 40 mins. When the chicken is dark golden, crispy-skinned and the juices run clear, remove from the oven and leave in the tin for 5 mins. Use a pair of tongs to pull the lemons, garlic and thyme out of the cavity and into the tin. Lift the chicken up, letting any juices dribble into the tin, and transfer the chicken to a serving platter to rest for at least another 15 mins.

4. To make the gravy, squeeze the juice out of the cooked lemon halves and discard the skins. Place the tin on a low heat, stir in flour and sizzle until light brown. Gradually pour in the stock and cook for a few mins. If you like a darker gravy, add a splash of soy sauce to the tin. Strain the gravy into a jug and serve with the chicken.


 85g plain flour

✓ 140-200g/5-7oz dried breadcrumbs

✓ about 1 litre/1¾ pints sunflower or vegetable oil, for frying

✓ scraps of bread, for testing oil

1. Put 9 eggs into a large saucepan. Cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Once boiling, set the timer for 5 mins. When 5 mins is up, quickly lift the eggs out with a slotted spoon and plunge into a big bowl of cold water.

2. Put the sausagemeat, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, mustard powder and mace into a bowl with plenty of seasoning. Break in 1 of the remaining eggs and mix everything together.

3. Crack remaining 2 eggs into a bowl, beat with a fork, then sieve onto a plate. Tip the flour onto another plate and season well. Finally, tip the breadcrumbs onto a third plate.

4.Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil. Drop in the bacon rashers, turn off the pan and fish out the bacon with a pair of tongs – it should be just cooked.

5. When the eggs are cool, tap lightly on a hard surface to crack the shell, then peel (Picture A). If you hold the eggs over the bowl of water as you peel, all the shell bits will collect in there and you can dip in the egg to wash off any fragments. Wrap a slice of bacon around the middle of each egg, overlapping, like a belt (Picture B).

6. Now finish coating the eggs. I set up the ingredients along my bench like a conveyer belt: eggs, then flour, mince, beaten egg and finally breadcrumbs, plus a baking parchment-lined tray at the end to put the finished scotch eggs on.

7. Roll your bacon-wrapped eggs in the flour, shaking off excess. Take a good chunk of mince and pat out to thinly cover one hand. Sit the egg on the meat (Picture C), then mould over the mince to cover, squeezing and patting so it is an even thickness. You’ll probably have a gap (depending on how big your hands are – just patch and pat with a bit more mince). Dip in the egg, shaking off the excess, then roll in the breadcrumbs to coat, and transfer to your tray. Repeat to cover all 9 eggs, then cover with cling film and chill for 4 hrs or overnight.

8. To cook, pour the oil in a large, deep saucepan to about 4cm deep. Heat until a small chunk of bread browns in about 1 min. Carefully lower in a scotch egg and fry for about 5 mins, turning gently, until evenly browned. Depending on your pan, you can probably do 2-3 at a time, but don’t overcrowd. Lift out onto a kitchen paper-lined tray. (If you like your scotch eggs warm, pop them into a low oven while you fry the rest.) keep an eye on the oil – if the scotch eggs start browning too quickly, the oil might be too hot and you risk the pork not being cooked before the scotch egg is browned. If the oil gets too cool, the scotch egg may overcook before it is browned. enjoy warm or cold; best eaten within 24 hrs of frying.




✓ 284ml tub whipping cream

✓ 50g caster sugar

✓ 50ml white wine

✓ zest and juice from ½ lemon

✓ almond thins or berries, to serve


Whip the cream and sugar together until soft peaks form. Stir in the wine, most of the lemon zest and the juice. Spoon into glasses or bowls, sprinkle with the remaining zest and serve with almond thins or berries.

Обратите внимание, какое количество lexical chunks можно встретить в самых обыкновенных рецептах. Возможно, поначалу вам и будет сложновато, но через какое-то время вы начнёте разбираться и запоминать, какие названия и действия есть в кулинарии. Это не только полезно для владения английским языком, но и самая, пожалуй, вкусная возможность его выучить! ;)

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