To make friends – подружиться; находить друзей
Henry’s the kind of person who doesn’t find it easy to make friends.
To become friends – стать друзьями
Mike and I became friends at university.
To remain friends – оставаться друзьями
In spite of the bitter argument they had, they remain the best of friends.
To meet a friend – встречаться с другом
I'm meeting a friend of mine for lunch at the Carlton Hotel later today.
To visit a friend – бывать у друзей (в гостях)
I'm afraid Ken's not here tonight. He's visiting friends.
To bring a friend – взять с собой друга
Can I bring a friend to the party?
To grow apart from friends – перестать общаться (из-за разных жизненных путей, интересов)
Since going to university, I've grown apart from many of my old school friends.
To have friends round – приглашать друзей в гости
We usually have friends round on a Saturday night for a meal.
To depend on your friends – положиться (рассчитывать) на друзей
In times of crisis you know you can depend on your best friends.
To fall out with your friends – поссориться с друзьями
They used to be good friends, but they've fallen out recently - over money!
To lose touch with your friends – потерять связь с друзьями, перестать общаться
I've lost touch with most of my school friends.
Your best friend – лучший друг
Heather was my best friend at school. We did everything together.
A close friend – близкий друг
He knows a lot of people, but only one or two that he'd call close friends.
A mutual friend – общий друг
My wife and I were introduced to each other by a mutual friend.
An old friend – старый друг
Ivor and I are old friends. We lived next door to each other as kids.
A friend from work – друзья с работы
On a Saturday I usually play football with some friends from work.
Just good friends – просто хорошие друзья
She says that she and George aren't going out. They're just good friends.
Your circle of friends – круг общения (друзей)
Carol is a very sociable person. She has a wide circle of friends.
Family and friends – семья и друзья (родные и близкие)
Roberta managed to recover with the help of her family and friends.
A friend of a friend – друг друга
I met Helen through a friend of a friend.